Panel 1
Lester stands at a counter with eight cans of beer on it. He is wearing sunglasses.
Cashier: Hot out there, eh?
Lester: Yeah it’s a real scorcher.
Cashier: Just the beer today, bud?
Lester: Yes, please.

Panel 2
Cashier: Would you mind just taking off your sunglasses.

Panel 3
Lester takes off his sunglasses, looking more disheveled than usual.
Lester: Oh, sure. Do you need to see my ID?

Panel 4
Cashier: Whoa. Uh, no. There’s no need for that, sir.

Panel 5
Cashier: Cash or card?
Lester: C-card, please.

Panel 6
Text Box: Later...
Lester sits on a chair, wearing his sunglasses, trying not to cry while opening a beer.


You Either Die A Bud…

This, more or less, happened to me earlier this summer. The IRL cashier wasn't as blunt, thankfully, but it made it abundantly clear that no one's asking me to play a high school student any time soon. I'm a year into my thirties now and I'm starting to come to terms with being the old version of a young person. To kids I'm ancient but to tin-full-of-caramels-style old people I'm still pretty much a zygote. Hopefully I'll feel better when I hit forty and I become the young version of an old person. Until then I cope with comics.

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