Panel 1
Lester and Marla sit on the couch. They're reach drinking a beer and there are a few empties on the counter behind them.
Marla: Sorry things didn't work out with Denise but you'll find someone eventually.
Lester: You really think that?
Marla: There's someone out there for everyone.

Panel 2
Lester looks up.
Lester: Someone for everyone, eh?

Panel 3
Text Box: Elsewhere...
A pair of rabbit ears fill the screen. The one on the right has three spacers pierced into it.
Off-Panel Voice: So how was your date last night?
Girl with the Ears: Ugh, fuckin' horrible.

Panel 4
Ophelia, a goth rabbit with the pierced ear, and her friend, a small poodle with a large afro, stand in the street in front of a bar.
Ophelia: This guy brought me flowers. Everything went downhill from there.
Ophelia's Friend: That's a nice gesture.
Ophelia: No, it's a future chore. I'm just gonna have to throw 'em out in a couple days. Who's got the time?

Panel 5
Ophelia's friend looks annoyed. Ophelia crosses her arms.
Ophelia's Friend: Jeez, Ophelia, your standards are wack. You're going to be single forever.
Ophelia: I really don't think I'm asking too much.

Panel 6
Closeup of Ophelia.
Ophelia: All I want is a guy with good taste in music but won't make fun of me for liking ska punk.

Panel 7
Ophelia bites her lip and looks up and to the right.
Ophelia: The kinda dude who's stable enough to hold down a job but unhinged enough to carry around beers in his pockets.

Panel 8
Ophelia's expression becomes angry.
Ophelia: Y'know. The type of guy who'll drive me to Pour Haus on Thanksgiving so I can get revenge for that time they-

Panel 9
Ophelia's friend rolls her eyes while Ophelia reaches into her bag.
SFX: Beep beep
Ophelia's Friend: Damn, girl, it's been like ten years. Let it go.

Panel 10
Ophelia looks at her phone, shocked.
Ophelia: Oh crap! I'm gonna be late for target practice at my interracial gun club!

Panel 11
Ophelia runs out onto the road, turning back to wave goodbye. Her friend raises her hands in warning.
Ophelia: See ya later, bitch!
Ophelia's Friend: Ophelia, look out!

Panel 12
A car speeds through the frame.

Panel 13
Ophelia's friend stands on the street, alone, hands over her mouth, eyes wide.
SFX (continued): -EEECH


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Lester Goes to Therapy – Epilogue

That wraps it up. For real this time! Thank you to everyone who's followed this story since it started in November. If you've read enough that you had the proper context for this one, my hat's off to you. This was my first real attempt at telling a longer, ongoing story in Feral Mills and it's been a fun experiment. Ongoing plots are something I'd like to do more in the future since I have a lot of ideas that don't fit in one-off gag strips but for now I'm going back to (hopefully shorter) one-offs for the next little while. Originally I though I would have this story wrapped up by mid-February and here we are at the end of March. Just shows you how these things can sometimes get away from you. In any case, I hope you enjoyed it! Come back for more next week!

BTW, I have a Patreon now! If you'd like to kick me a couple bucks to help keep the comic chugging along I'd greatly appreciate it. If no, no worries! I'm also still open for commissions if you're interested in that. Feel free to get in touch with me on my socials or email me at