Last week, Lester started getting acquainted with the nitty gritty of therapy. Now he and Charleston are truly getting into the "uncrazying." Let's see how it goes...

Panel 1
Lester slumps down on a couch, across from Charleston, who's holding a clipboard.
Charleston: So, Lester, what brings you to therapy?
Lester: Girl trouble, I guess.
Panel 2
Lester looks to the side.
Lester: I've been seeing this lady and things are good. In fact it's the healthiest relationship I've had since...
Panel 3
Lester looks forward, raising his shoulders.
Lester: Well, ever. And for some reason I want to end it all because I'm a lunatic, or something.
Panel 4
Charleston smiles.
Charleston: You're not a lunatic, Lester. We all have these feelings sometimes. It's completely normal and doesn't mean you aren't perfectly well adjusted.
Panel 5
Lester pulls two tall cans of beer out of his hoodie pocket.
Lester: Hell yeah, brother. I'll drink to that!
Panel 6
Lester chugs one of the beers and throws the other towards Charleston. It hits the ground.
SFX: Glug Glug
Panel 7
Charleston looks down at the can on the ground
Panel 8
Charleston: So... you carry around tall cans in your pocket?
Panel 9
Lester wipes his mouth, looking deranged.
Lester: Bwah, yeah. You were supposed to catch that.
Panel 10
Charleston writes something down on his clipboard.
Charleston: Mm-hmm...
SFX: Jot Jot