Panel 1
Marla and Lester sit on a couch. Marla looks at Lester, worried, while he slumps into the couch.
Marla: So she broke up with you?
Lester: Yeah, said she was getting back with her ex.

Panel 2
Closeup of Marla.
Marla: That sucks, man. At least you have a therapist to help you through this.

Panel 3
Lester looks over at Marla.
Lester: What do you mean? I already went to therapy.

Panel 4
Marla: You're supposed to keep going.

Panel 5
Lester sits up, looking angry.
Lester: What? That shit cost me like a hundred and sixty bucks! I can't afford to shell that out on the regular!

Panel 6
Marla: Well, what are you going to do? You clearly still need the help.

Panel 7
Lester and Marla sit on the couch, staring at each other with blank expressions.

Panel 8
Lester gets up and begins to walk away.
Lester: You want a beer?
Marla: Yes, please.


Break on Down

That's all, folks! Well not quite. There's one more epilogue-style strip coming, but as far as Lester's adventures in therapy go, this is it!

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