Witness the unfolding of an epic saga.

Panel 1
Lester sits on a park bench. He is approached by a man wearing a kilt
Man: Excuse me, sir, are you Lester Cunningham, by chance?
Lester: Yeah man, what’s up?
Panel 2
The man smiles, holding up a piece of paper that says "DEED" on it.
Man: Excellent! Sir, it is my honour to inform you that you are the heir to an ancient line of Scottish kings. I’m here to deliver you the deed to your lands, billions of dollars, and your own harem of Celtic warrior babes!
Panel 3
Lester is surrounded by five scantily-clad Celtic warrior babes.
Lester: Oh my god, this is amazing! Material wealth has made me fulfilled! Every religion is wrong!
Panel 4
Celtic Warrior Babe: Aye, pet. Tis a pity ye must gae back tae high school.
Lester: What?
Panel 5
Lester jolts awake in his bed inside his dark bedroom.
Lester: Bwuh!