Panel 1

Chauncey and a bald man in a suit are sitting at a conference table. Both look excited.

Man: Very impressive resume, Chauncey. Please, tell me about yourself.

Chauncey: I got it all, sir. I’m a triple threat, you see.

Panel 2

Chauncey: I’m a logistical genius, a natural born leader…

Panel 3

Chauncey: … and I own a gun.

Panel 4

Chauncey bursts into Lester's apartment, looking furious. Lester is looking at Chauncey with a scared look on his face while sitting in a chair and holding a video game controller in his hands.

Chauncey: Screw you, Lester! That didn't work at all!

Triple Threat

It seemed like such a good idea at the time.



Someone requested a printable version of the "Spread Them Sheets" poster in this comic so here ya go(atse)!

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