Welcome to Feral Mills! I did a few comics with Lester (the rabbit) back in 2021 with the intention of making it into something but didn't get around to it until now. Since then his design has changed so I figured I might as well make this the first one. Enjoy!

Panel 1
Chauncey and Lester sit at a bar. Chauncey looks at his phone.
Chauncey: Heh, Melissa just texted me, “Have a good night, don’t go too crazy.” She’s so cute.
Lester: Haha yeah that’s one of those “girlfriend phrases”.
Panel 2
Chauncey: What do you mean?
Panel 3
Lester: Oh you know. One of those things women are always saying. Stuff like…
Panel 4
Lester: Aww, a puppy! We should do something today. How do I look?
Panel 5
Lester: Are you okay? I'm worried about you. It hurts to see you like this.
Panel 6
Lester: I can’t do this anymore. I can’t! If you won’t get help I’m not going to stay here while you self-destruct!
Panel 7
Chauncey looks back at Lester with a distressed look on his face.
Panel 8
Chauncey: Are uh… are you okay?
Panel 9
Lester: Yeah I already said that one. Pay attention, man.