Panel 1

Lester, looking frustrated, holds his head in his hands.

Lester: Aw c’mon, brain. Why you gotta mess with me like that?

Panel 2

Lester's brain appears by Lester's feet.

Brain: Haha, take that, you vile worm!

Panel 3

Brain turns toward Heart.

Brain: Did you see that, heart?

Heart: Huh huh, yeah boss.

Panel 4

Stomach runs in, calling out to Brain and Heart.

Stomach: Guuuuuuuys, stoooop it. You’re making Lester saaaaad!

Panel 5

Brain: Cease your groaning or you shall dine on naught but the spiciest Indian food for the next fortnight!

Guts, Part 2

Fun fact, I was originally going to call this storyline "Insides Out" but my lawyer advised me against it. In his words, "For the last time, we don't represent you. Get the hell out of here or I'm calling the cops."

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