Panel 1
Lester and Chauncey sit at a table, having some drinks.
Chauncey: I'm worried about my nephew, man. He spends all his time messin' around on a tablet but his parents aren't monitoring what he's watching at all.
Lester: He'll be fine, Chaunce'. Look at me, I grew up with unfettered internet access and I turned out... uh...

Panel 2
Lester: Well not exactly good but, like... you know, I'm, uhh...

Panel 3
Chauncey looks worried. Lester looks down at his drink.

Panel 4
Chauncey gets up from the table.
Chauncey: I'm gonna call my brother.
Lester: Yeah, you better.


Well Adjusted

There's nothing wrong with being messed up, but it helps to be aware of it.

Comics production has slowed down a little over here. I'm on the job hunt and there's some other personal stuff I've got going on so I haven't had as much time to work on Feral Mills as I'd like BUT I should be getting back up to speed soon. If I don't get a second comic out this week I'll be back to putting out two a week starting in November for sure. There's some stuff in production that I can't wait to show the world so stay tuned!

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